URG Art Department

AQIP Forms and Instructions

Luckyman Press-Teach


Cell Phone Policy

Vector Poster

vector poster

Using what you have learned about vector illustration to create an original poster advertising an event or product.

You might also want to start by searching for great poster designs on Google to get some inspiration. For this project, you may even want to do your own version of something you find online. Also, there are a lot of cool tutorials for certain effects.

Next, choose the event or product you're going to design for. This could be a movie or concert poster, a "bedroom" poster, an advertisement for a product or service, etc. Whatever you pick, understand that this defines what you should or shouldn't put in the poster. Ads for baby-wipes should be squeaky-clean, and posters for Anthrax should be violent and heavy. And EVERY poster should be technically sound, no typos, etc.

Make the work

Your finished poster should involve a variety of vector imaging techniques, including type, placed raster images, lines, shapes, etc. Think carefully about the "order of reading" of the poster-what do you see first, second and third, and is that the way it should be? Make sure you have ALL the information you need on the poster-don't make a concert poster without telling people where to buy tickets, and when the band starts. Make sure there are no errors of spelling, grammar, etc.

Size: 11x17"

Color: any

Descrive the formal elements

word icon Use this form to describe the formal elements of the work.

When you complete the project, you will be asked to describe the formal elements of the work, including all of these:

Line-describe the lines used-are they curved, straight, angular, varied, consistent, rough, smooth, etc.

Shape-describe the shapes-geometric, organic, varied, etc.

Composition-centered, aligned, balanced, continuous field, tilted horizon, crowded, sparse, etc.

Color-analagous, complementary, muted, intense, primary, monochromatic, etc.

Pattern-geometric, varied, sparse, compact, etc.

Symmetry-radial, bilateral, spiral, assymetrical?

Texture-smooth, shiny, coarse, weathered, flat, rough?

Rhythm-consistent, staccato, irregular, smooth?


What you need to do

Make a poster, save the original ai file on your computer, and save an optimized file to turn in. Name the file "Vector_Poster_astudent.jpg".

What you need to turn in:



What I will be grading:

Technical Outcomes:Poster will use a variety of vector illustration tools, include raster images, type effects, shape and line tools, etc.

Formal Outcomes: Poster will employ rule of thirds, balance, repetition, identified color scheme, pattern and other formal elements. At least 8 identifiable formal elements will be described.

Conceptual Outcomes: Poster will accurately represent the style of the event or product. Student can identify formal elements used.