URG Art Department

AQIP Forms and Instructions

Luckyman Press-Teach


Cell Phone Policy

Magazine Spread

Source Files

Original spread, full size

Photos and Graphics



Recreate the original image in InDesign.

You may use online help or books.

Use the text supplied.

Use the pictures supplied-choose which ones work best.

Match fonts as closely as possible.

Match effects as closely as possible.

Include all details, including page numbers, etc.

This should be a double page spread (pages 2 and 3 is easiest), 8.25x10.75â€

Correct typos, punctuation errors, if any.


Start by dropping the example in as a background, so you know where things are.

Use the eyedropper to make swatches.

Create Object Styles, and apply to boxes.

Use paragraph styles and apply to text.

Do an effect once, then duplicate it. Don’t start from scratch each time.

Use the eyedropper or Character Styles for text formatting.

Assume the paper is white.

Don’t add tabs or extra returns between paragraphs. Instead, change paragraph values (indent).

You may find it easier to group like objects on layers (bg, overlays, etc.)

Get the easy stuff done first, then the hard stuff.

Use the little square as an inline graphic after the word "sand".

Save as "Skills_Test_astudent.pdf".

What you need to do:

Complete the test, drop the finished file in the class drop box.

What you need to turn in:

Your completed file, saved as as "Skills_Test_astudent.pdf".

What I will be grading:

You will get credit for submitting the correctly completed file on time.