URG Art Department

AQIP Forms and Instructions

Luckyman Press-Teach


Cell Phone Policy

Print and Digital Portfolio

Each student is required to create a digital portfolio which will include representative images from your semester's work. Here are all of the images required, and the correct naming conventions. If you are confused by any of this, first review all the directions for digital portfolios.

FORMS LINK-all your AQIP forms in one place.

Printmaking I file list

Remember that every student must make at least six prints this semester! If you have a project that has several variations, like the engravings, photograph 2 or 3 of them only. If you have an identical edition, like the screenprint or the Art History print, just take one picture.

AH_astudent.jpg This is the image of your finished art history project (this is also your trade print).

AH_astudent.doc This is the word document that includes your finished project, the original, your sketches, and your artist statement.

Cardboard_astudent.jpg Your completed cardboard print.

etching_astudent.jpg A photograph of each of 2-3 variations on your finished etchings.

Exhibition_astudent.doc (art majors only)

Linocut_astudent.jpg A photograph of your black and white linocut.

Linocut_reduction_astudent A photograph of your color linocut.

Monoprint_astudent.jpg. A photograph of your best monoprint.

Museum_astudent.doc This is your paper written about your museum visit. This is required even if you did not go on the class field trip.

Screenprint_astudent.jpg A photograph of your finished screenprint.

xtra_astudent.jpg. A photograph of each of your student choice projects.

All the prints listed above should be in your print portfolio too!

Printmaking II and III image list

Remember that every student must make at least six prints this semester! If you have a project that has several variations, like the engravings, photograph 2 or 3 of them only. If you have an identical edition, like the screenprint or the Art History print, just take one picture.

AH_astudent.jpg This is the image of your finished art history project (this is also your trade print).

AH_astudent.doc This is the word document that includes your finished project, the original, your sketches, and your artist statement.

Exhibition_astudent.doc (art majors only)

Museum_astudent.doc This is your paper written about your museum visit. This is required even if you did not go on the class field trip.

Research_astudent.jpg A photograph of your completed research print.

Research_astudent.doc The document that describes the project.

xtra_astudent.jpg. A photograph of each of your student choice projects.