URG Art Department

AQIP Forms and Instructions

Luckyman Press-Teach


Cell Phone Policy

Allegorical Self Portrait

Use Photoshop to create a self-portrait, which will NOT contain any images of your physical appearance. You may scan items, images, drawings or textures that communicate some idea of who you are, but not actual pictures of you. This should be an image of who you are, not what you look like. "Your physical appearance” is defined as an image that I would be able to define as relating to you because it contained an identifiable visual reference. A close-up of the sole of your foot would not be defined as “your physical appearance” but a distinctive tattoo may be. The form and content of this piece may be as explicit as you like, but remember that the work will be seen and discussed by the class.

Start by drawing five different ideas in your sketchbook or journal. We will do some brainstorming as a group to get you started. After you have five different ideas, pick one of them and draw five different compositions for that idea. Only then should you start working on the computer.

Here is a list of things you are NOT allowed to use:

Images of you (recognizable)

Symbols (peace signs, stop signs, crosses, etc.)

Words or letters (even in another language)

Getting started

Because this is a fairly open-ended assignment, it may be useful to do some brainstorming and think about the process for making this image.

Brainstorm Start by asking yourself these questions:

Who am I?
Where do I come from?
Where am I going?
What am I doing with my life?
What’s important to me?
What do I think is really funny?
What do I fear?
What do I desire?
Who has influenced me?
What is going on around me?
What is my family like?
What images do I see?
What will I be like in 30 years?
What was I like ten years ago?

Find images List any images that come to mind after answering the questions listed above.

Sketch Draw several different compositions that include some of the images you just came up with.

Design Make a first draft of the finished image.

Get Feedback We will look at the images in class and talk about ways to improve the image.

Rework Keep working until you get a good solution.

Write Write a brief statement that helps the viewer understand and appreciate the work.

What you need to do:

Create an Allegorical Self Portrait. This project may require you to work off the computer-you might end up making a sculpture using little laser prints all taped together, or paint something, then scan it and work on the digital image.

What you need to turn in:

Your Allegorical Self Portrait. If your project ends up in analog format (not digital), you may have to photograph or scan it. Save it as "Allegorical_astudent.jpg".

Your statement explaining your Allegorical Self Portrait. Use this format. Save it as "Allegorical_astudent.doc"

What I will be grading:

Technical Outcomes: Dependent on project. Image will be appropriately sized, cleanly presented, correct format, etc. Statement is correctly formatted and free of errors.

Formal Outcomes: Dependent on project. The written statement and title describe the allegory clearly.

Conceptual Outcomes: Completed project is a portrait of the student that does not rely on physical likeness. Allegory is used in a coherent and believable fashion, while avoiding cliché.