Art Department

School of Fine Arts

The University of Rio Grande

Student Space

Graphic Design Program

Benjy Home

BFA program documents



Comprehensive Test Questions

Art, Design and Macs

Care and feeding of a Mac

Basics of using the Mac

Keyboard shortcuts-Mac OS X

The most basic of all things that must be done is to back up your data. This means that you copy ALL YOUR FILES to another hard drive, so when (not if) your hard drive fails, you are protected. This is like wearing a seat belt-it's hardly ever necessary, but when it is, it can save your life.

What it sounds like when your hard drive is failing. If you hear this, stop everything and back up. This is like hearing a train coming when you're sitting on the tracks. Pretty soon, you're gonna get hit hard.

Or it might sound like this.

The Click of Death explained.

Back up your files using Time Machine

Use Disk Utility periodically for routine maintenance

Read this article for a list of other maintenance chores

Consider getting a utility app for maintenance. I'm using MainMenu.

Art and Design Basics

What is Art?--the answer!!

What is a Print?--the answer!!

Printeresting-print nerd heaven

Inkteraction-social networking for print nerds

Can I use a picture from the internet in my art?--the answer!!

History of Graphic Design-very, very good.

Principles of design

All about printing and paper (and some stuff about type)

A very quick essay on the Rule of Thirds

Pdf article about creativity from photographer Sean Kernan.

The differences between gif, png, and jpeg, featuring a Jim Allen Brainsucker.

Jess Thompson's awesome links page

Jim Bryant's links-a-million!

Where can I get stuff printed? Try Zazzle or Cafe Press.

Bookmaking site with lots of cool examples

Crooked Brains-Art, Design, and Funny Animals

Obey (Shephard Fairy)
